EmbodyForYou.comthe online guide to health and beauty
Tel: 02080585668
Mobile: 07921857734
Email: laura@lqtouch.co.uk
Web: http://www.lqtouch.co.uk
Laura’s Touch provides Clinical Massage Therapy, specialising in Sports and Advanced Deep Tissue Massage, Post Op Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massages, Manual Lymphatic Drainage for fluid retention conditions and for detox and digestion, Pressotherapy Lymphatic Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Cupping therapy and FDA Approved Non-Surgical Body Contouring.
Registered Professionals are fully trained and are bound by a strict Code of Practice. You can be confident of a high quality, professional treatment. Click on the therapist's name to see the treatments for which they are qualified and insured.
Please do not use any contact details on this site for sales or marketing purposes
Mon: 10 am - 6pm
Tues: 10 am - 6pm
Weds: 10 am - 3pm
Thurs: Non-Working Day
Fri: 10 am - 4pm
Sat: 10 am - 2pm
Sun: Non-Working Day