EmbodyForYou.comthe online guide to health and beauty

Our Top 100 Salons & Therapists

Margaret Marciniak - Complimentary Therapist

Heacham, Norfolk

Tel: 0795 140 2717
Mobile: 07951 402 717
Web: http://

About Us

Sound Baths. Following a short breathing guided meditation taking you into a calm state using the frequency tubes 111HZ for healing and balancing the mind, body and soul.
Sessions are a tailor made 1 to1 seated under a copper pyramid
or a group sessions are available.

Reflexology seated on a zero gravity chair while feet gently massaged using pressure points.

Crystal healing lay on a zero gravity chair while using my intuition I select crystals to placed on the body. The vibration from the crystals relaxes the mind, body and bring them back into balance.

SEICHIM HEALING/ TEACHER. Seichim Healing is an Egyptian feminine healing energy while Reiki is a masculine healing energy. The energy can feel like waves and a great stress relief as very relaxing.
It helps one to focus on their life journey and challenges with more of an understanding.

REIKI HEALING / TEACHER. Reiki hands on healing originates from Japan,. Relaxing to soft music while fully dressed on my zero gravity chair, the Reiki energy will flow through my hands to where it is needed to balance the client's body. The client may feel the energy as heat or a glowing sensation.

CARD READING. Reads may be in person, over the phone or online and are on a one to one basis.
The reading may help you understand situations, why they arise and challenges clearer.
It may also help to explain why a situation has arisen and give you the strength and determination to deal with it.

Please call / Face Book / message me for details of how I may help you on your healing journey.
Gift vouchers available for that special occasion. Thank you for clicking on my page.

Registered Professionals

Registered Professionals are fully trained and are bound by a strict Code of Practice. You can be confident of a high quality, professional treatment. Click on the therapist's name to see the treatments for which they are qualified and insured.

Member Offer

Quoting CTHA while booking a treatment gives you a £5 discount. Check online facebook Margaret Marciniak healer for our monthly special offers.

Please do not use any contact details on this site for sales or marketing purposes

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Opening Hours:

Working in my summer house in Heacham. Norfolk.
Pre booked appointments only.
All treatments are one hour with a 15 minute consultation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information on the treatments I provide
or about our monthly offers

Treatments Offered: