EmbodyForYou.comthe online guide to health and beauty

Our Top 100 Salons & Therapists

Sylvia Bennett

Rye, TN31 7JZ - View Map

Mobile: 07779 139 187
Web: www.fengshui-living.com

About Us


In professional practice since 1990 my specialisms are feng shui, space clearing and clutter management,environmental balacing, nutritional advice and personal healing. My work addresses people's unique situations to enhance their lives in their home and workplace. Results sometimes happen quickly.

For many people health, enjoyment and success in life are compromised by something that can be found in the places they live or work in, from geopathic stress or electromagnetic radiation to the way their property is orientated,external features and the colours, furniture arrangement, lighting and natural elements used in it which either support or restrict them. I can help you get the best out of your living and working space and through it enrich your life.

Registered Professionals

Registered Professionals are fully trained and are bound by a strict Code of Practice. You can be confident of a high quality, professional treatment. Click on the therapist's name to see the treatments for which they are qualified and insured.

Member Offer

10% discount for feng shui and environmental consultations when you quote the CThA announcement

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